hug day

美 [hʌɡ deɪ]英 [hʌɡ deɪ]
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hug dayhug day
  1. Earlier this week , a researcher at the Medical University of Vienna spread some good news in honor of National Hug Day . He pointed out that hugging someone you care about can ease stress and anxiety , lower blood pressure and even boost memory .


  2. I hope I can hug you every day ;


  3. Hey , you might end up fabulously rich or even become a hug superstar one day .


  4. The garden outside my window is home to an enormous and beautiful tree . I gave it a hug the other day , but the trunk is so huge I could barely get my arms round a quarter of its girth .


  5. This one is easy - who doesn 't want to melt into a comforting hug after a hard day ?


  6. The day my little girl pulled away from me when I went to hug her was the day I realized I had to get help for my problem .


  7. Chuck : I can 't even hug you ? What if you need a hug ? A hug can turn your day around .
